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Organic Merchant - Spirit Dust - Cacao and Cinnamon (100g)

Organic Merchant - Spirit Dust - Cacao and Cinnamon (100g)

Organic Merchant offers a consciously created range of certified organic, healthy raw cacao infusions, designed to improve mental acuity and physical performance.

Spirit Dust is a cinnamon cacao blend naturopathically formulated with resistance to stress and anxiety in mind.strengthens resistance to physical stress and anxiety enhances cognition and optimal performance.

The benefits of Spirit Dust: -supports energy equilibrium through endocrine balance -restorative body tonic for both recuperation and endurance -Organic Merchant’s Spirit Dust is a superb natural body tonic to regulate blood  sugars, immune system responses, cardiac performance and promote longevity.

Spirit Dust contains the following certified organic ingredients: Raw Cacao Mesquite Cinnamon Ashwagandha Siberian Ginseng Astragalus Ginger Himalayan Pink Salt

Use this Spirit Dust blend in beverages as a latte powder or added to smoothies with your choice of milk, baking and delicious raw treats. Organic Merchant Spirit Dust range is ACO certified organic, gluten, dairy and sugar free, vegan friendly and sustainably produced and packaged. 

This product is NOT a dietary supplement. Statements on this page and the rest of the website are not intended to diagnose in any way.

Contains: 100g – makes around 50 cups of 200ml


 How to use:

We recommend 1-2 tsp per 200ml. Add 20ml (1 sip) of hot milk/water, then whisk/stir to make a paste. Fill up with your choice of hot milk.

Certified Organic:Raw Cacao,Mesquite,Cinnamon, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus,Ginger,Himalayan Pink Salt


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